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Why Blogging is not a waste of time

It has been a busy time for me online over the last twelve months. If you would have told me last year that I would be Blogging on four different sites I would probably have smiled and told you I just didn’t have the time (if you are unsure what a Blog is Jamie has a good overview in his post What are blogs?). But that was before I really embraced Blogging and it is has had really positive impacts in my working life. For a start there has been meeting new and interesting people online, as well as becoming a place for me to focus my thoughts, experiences (and rantings!). Migrating my journal from paper form to digital has had tremendous benefits as I used to have to trawl through paper documents to find particular information but now I can simply search for it. Writing about particular problems has also helped firstly by sharing experiences with others and with readers offering advice and tips – this has helped resolved a number of issues over the last six months. Sure there have been a few hiccups along the way but anyone thinking about Blogging should really give it a go – after all a Blog is tool, a practical tool that you can use every day – you may well be surprised. I was.

I have been writing recently, as a reader Blogger, for IT Pro online magazine – some posts include:

I have also joined the Partner program over at GizmosforGeeks where I talk about my week dealing with technology including:

Some of the most recent posts here at Weblog include:

  • SSL Certificates for Exchange Server 2007 continued… talking about my experiences trying to use Exchange Server 2007 on mobile devices
  • essential application list in an update of tools and utilities that you may find useful
  • Re-Racking out the computer room getting into the nitty gritty of redesigning our computer room
  • Five Advantages of Thin Clients identifies benefits of moving to a thin environment

And then there are the adventures of Monk and his IT Junk which initially was a jotting but Monk has come a long away and is now really finding his own identity together with Norris, Brother Mouse Matt and the Wise man. Monk is appearing in IT Pro online magazine as well as Reg Developer. Jamie has even included some Monks over a Terinea.

In summary, some of the benefits I have found by Blogging include:

  • Keeping in touch with others and meeting new people – becoming part of a community and really taking part
  • Consolidating information and thoughts and experiences together with becoming the first place I go to check or obtain information
  • Resolving issues by sharing experiences
  • Obtaining information, tips and resources
  • Improving writing style and improving concentration
  • Improving creative by broadening the mind and opening up to other opinions and viewpoints
  • Making a previous flat, infrequently updated website into a dynamic site with up to date content

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Technology Blog of the week: 14th Dec 2007: The Savvy Technologist

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Problems with GFI Mail Archiver and Exchange Server 2007 SP1


  1. Reply

    Jamie, you’re right – Blogging does take a lot of time and some of that time as most Bloggers know is really hard to quantify as it’s not just the time spent typing the post in.

    There is coming up with and thinking about the initial idea, researching any facts, structuring the content, and if any images are needed there is the time either searching for suitable ones or creating them. There are also all the posts that never make it onto the Blog – I have about fifteen posts that have been started but never finished for different reasons.

    The timings are also variable depending on the type and size of a post. I would say I probably spend a good few hours on IT Pro and GizmosforGeeks every week and a Monk and his IT Junk cartoon typically takes about 3 hours and I am currently doing several per week – so factoring it all in I am probably Blogging for about 10 hours+ per week.

    With two small kids running around (as well as the day job, the novel and the Uni work) time is a highly sought after commodity in my life.

  2. Wow, that’s a lot of blogging!

    One thing I’ve improved on, is managing my time spend blogging. Its certainly is time consuming.

    How long do you spend a week?

    I’d anything from 5 to 10 hours for me.


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