What Makes One Mobile App Successful And Another Fail?
Set the stage for app success – without a marketing plan your efforts will fall flat
Do your homework and prepare for the “big push”. Get your supporting website ready, media and PR contacts briefed, social media tools ready, and get ready to analyse what’s working and what isn’t.
We setup a support page for the first aid quiz app on our website which pretty much echoed what we had said on the app store. Looking at Google Analytics very few people have visited the web page from iTunes and fewer have visited iTunes after visiting the support page. In terms of having a support page our key factor was to provide a mechanism for people to get in touch if they had issues or comments relating to the app.
In terms of media and PR contacts we actually did nothing and approached no one. We should probably have had some big PR campaign but there wasn’t any money available to spend in this area. We use iTunes Connect to keep track of when the app is being downloaded but there are not many analytical tools beyond that.
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