Infographic: Website Community Building
An infographic highlighting the key aspects (audience, engagement, conversion and retention) of website visitors in order to build a community.
There is a lot of technology news-speak, and “technique“, around building online communities which include phrases such as bounce rate, unique visitors, page views, second-click, drill downs, and search engine optimisation, and there is merit in many of these areas but there is something more important to these.
There are ways of increasing visits to a website and no doubt you may have read articles on how to increase Followers on Twitter and Likes on Facebook but without engagement these likes and follows will never make an impact in building a community. Further to engagement is the frankly terribly named, yet descriptive, term “conversion” which, in this case, means encouraging website visitors to stay on your site longer, interact with your site more, make it news worthy, recommend your website or blog to their friends, and return to the site again.
When it comes down to it the biggest impact in building a community will come from people.
Fundamentally, there are three areas to building a community around a website or blog:
1) Encouraging people to visit your website – both first time visitors and returning visitors
2) Engaging with website visitors when they arrive and during their visit
3) Convert website visitors to returning visitors
Hopefully, the infographic will be of some use in highlighting the key message: Audience is vanity, Engagement is sanity, and Conversion is reality.

The file is a PNG format file and size is approximately 4MB.
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