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Controlling Your Heating Control System Remotely–Part 1

Controlling Your Heating Control System Remotely–Part 1
Jason Slater
  • On Thursday, 6 June 2013

I have to be honest, my first thought regarding the installation of a remotely controlled heating system was “what’s the point?”. Ok, it could have a little tech and gadget interest but was there something more? Could the installation of such as system, which can be operated from a web browser or mobile app, actually save us money in the long run?

A Twist Of The Dial

Remote Heating Control ThermostatFor many of us with a gas boiler for heating, our heating control and thermostat are probably in the hallway; just a moment away from pretty much any room in the house. A simple twist of the dial and the desired temperature is set; if things get too cold we turn it up, and if it gets too hot we turn it down, but mostly we set it at the temperature we want it and leave it there.

That said, there do seem to be those kind of people who also like to twiddle with the thermostat all day long rather than those who set it at a particular desired temperature and leave it alone. I’m in the latter camp however my partner is very much in the former and many a tut has passed over that little dial I can tell you.

I can see the reasoning behind twiddling with the controls; if it’s cold then turn the heating up and if it’s hot then turn it down. In our modern busy world it seems there simply isn’t time to wait for things to happen.

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