RFC Glossary: Explaining The Technical Terms
The RFC system contains a number of technical words, phrases, and acronyms – many of which are no longer in general use. These terms may refer to techniques that have since been revised or institutions that are no longer in operation. As a result, without meaningful explanation, the earlier RFC documents in particular can become difficult to read.
This Glossary aims to collect, collate, and preserve the various complex terms and provide meaningful definitions.
- ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency (Decommissioned in 1990 to form the DARPA)
- BBN Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc.
- DEL Decode-Encode Language
- FTP File Transfer Protocol
- IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
- IMP Interface Messaging Processor – think of it as a router
- LRC Learning Resource Centre
- NIC Network Information Center
- NWG Network Working Group
- RFC Request for Comments
- SAIL Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
- SMFS Simple Minded File System
- SRI Stanford Research Institute