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12 Gadget Gift Ideas For Christmas 2009

There’s no escaping it – 2009 has been a tough year thanks to the problems with the economy. However, towards the end of the year it really does look as if things might finally be picking up and what could make us feel better than to give the gift of tech, from cool mice to 3D cameras, there are ideas here for reasonably priced technology gifts to make your secret gadget and geek lovers Christmas 2009 really special.

Wand Remote Control

Image Credit: Firebox

Currently available on Firebox, The Wand, would make an ideal treat for Harry Potter fans. Using gesture recognition the wand can change television channels, adjust the volume, or perform other functions with thirteen predefined gestures which can be associated with infrared commands from a suitable remote control, off we go “Channelas Changerus”.

Microsoft Arc Mouse – win one

The Microsoft Arc Mouse really is a joy of engineering and contains just that extra bit of geekiness for the gadget lover. Read our more detailed review and enter the draw for a chance to win one. Using the Microsoft Arc Mouse – And Win One!

Windows 7

Windows 7 was my idea, or was it yours? We have seen the adverts and yes, it really is better than Vista. If that special someone loves their technology they will need Windows 7 and everything it has to offer. Dabs have Windows 7 available together with free delivery. Choose from Windows 7 Home Premium, Windows 7 Professional or Windows 7 Ultimate but make sure your gift recipient runs the upgrade advisor first (see Are you ready for Windows 7 ?). Also, check out our Windows 7 resources section.

12 Gadget Gift Ideas For Christmas 2009 at

DNA Portrait

Do you want to give a gift that is personal yet that little bit different? How much more personal than someone’s own DNA pattern? DNA is the building block pattern of how things in nature are made. Using a swab from inside the mouth the pattern is extracted, analysed and turned into a piece of art as a DNA Portrait. How you get the swab sample is of course completely down to you – but it might be wise to get permission!

Wii Motion Plus and Wii Sports Resort

In our house we love Wii Sports Resort and the WiiMotion Plus adaptors for the Wii Remote really add a new depth to gaming. The Wii Sports Resort games rounds it off with loads of different styles of games so there is something for everyone. Read our thoughts on our sister publication at Holiday At Home With Wii Sports Resort.

E-Book Reader

There is nothing like curling up in front of the fire with a good book in hand, but why just one? Give an e-book reader and the gift keeps on giving with the ability to add new books without the added bulk. There are a bunch to choose from including the highly desirable Kindle, the Sony PRS Reader, the BeBook, and the Cool-er. The e-book reader market is set to explode next year so don’t miss out.

12 Gadget Gift Ideas For Christmas 2009 at

3D Camera


2010 looks set to be the year that 3D makes a revival in a big way – Channel 4 are leading the way on terrestrial TV with its 3D week. Don’t miss out and give your 3D camera gift. Fujifilm have their Real 3D W1 (Amazon have it at thought it might be worth searching around for any special prices).

Also the Minoru 3D Webcam is a cool addition to anyone’s computing setup and is a great price for what it does. Using  a USB connection this 3D Webcam uses stereoscopic anaglyphic processing – how more gadget geek could it be?

Home Network Storage


Admit it, you haven’t backed up your important stuff for ages and I bet someone in your family hasn’t either – when you lose precious memories it can be quite disheartening. Fix it with a home storage unit such as the device – store your important centrally and back them up in one easy place – and cut down on duplication by organising and sharing your precious information.

Watch Mobile Phone

This was tried some years ago but failed to capture public imagination – but these days Mobile Phones are the fashion technology accessory to be seen with, from the iPhone to the Palm Pre, from Nokia to LG. Give a gift that lets someone relive their favourite Dick Tracey moments. The LG GD 910 Watch Phone is practical too, learn more at the LG Blog: LG GD910 Watch Phone

12 Gadget Gift Ideas For Christmas 2009 at

USB Foot Warmer

Image Credit:

Do you like to surf the Internet in the cold late hours? Well, your feet don’t have to suffer with a USB Foot Warmer you can keep your toes just nice this Winter – as it uses low power USB don’t expect to get a roasting but if you want to just take the edge off it should work just fine. has them, so does (via Hawkin’s Bazaar), and
have some available and check out your local gadget store too.

Space Invaders T-Shirt

Image Credit: I Want One Of Those

Remember Space Invaders? How about a sound activated light up Space Invaders T-Shirt to bring back those fond pixel memories? Available at a number out retail outlets including I Want One Of Those you can give a retro cool gift this Christmas. Available in a range of sizes the T-Shirt requires 4 AAA batteries.

Twilight Umbrella

Yes, you read it right – an umbrella. Perhaps not the techiest of gifts you might typically find but something different and quite novel – we are talking about the . No longer be left in the dark with a standard umbrella. A Twilight umbrella will brighten up the dark Winter evenings (and mornings!) and be a talking point too with its phasing white lights offering a star like light show. Available in versions with lights on the inside only or both sides. 3 AAA batteries are required.

12 Gadget Gift Ideas For Christmas 2009 at

Something missing from this list? What would your ideal technology gift be this Christmas?

2009 christmas gift
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  1. Reply

    what have you got planned for 2010 christmas?

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