Technology News For 28th January 2010
Some of the key technology news stories and headlines, from around the world, for Thursday, 28th January 2010.
Today’s Hot Topic: Did Apple make an announcement about the tablet based iPad? I’m not sure let me check the news again.
The headlines in technology news today are gathered from internet based news sources including BBC Technology News, CNN Technology, Sky News, BusinessWeek, Computing, Computer Weekly, BBC, IT Pro, Register, Wired, CNET News, The Wall Street Journal,, Engadget, Financial Times, Times Online, Reuters, Telegraph, The Gadget Show, New Scientist, Gates Notes and Guardian.
- BBC Technology News: Apple unveils iPad tablet device
- CNN Tech: Apple iPad sends stock down – then up
- Sky News: Apple Unveils New Tablet Computer – The iPad
Wait, Stop A Sec. Come On… There has to be more tech news than the iPad right? Let’s start again.
- BBC Technology News: Piracy campaign ‘nets innocents’
- CNN Tech: The light bulb goes digital
- Sky News: 1,000 iPhone Apps Axed Over ‘Fake’ Reviews
- Telegraph:
- Financial Times: Canon upbeat on 2010
- Guardian: Virgin Media to monitor web piracy
- The Wall Street Journal: Oracle to Boost R&D Spending
- Times Online: Sky to launch 3D sports channel in April
- BusinessWeek: Yelp Gets Up to $100 Million From Elevation Partners
- Reuters: China says no curb on Google mobile technology
- Computing:
- Computer Weekly: McDonald’s commits to outsourcing for 11 years
- The Register:
- IT Pro: HTC positive about 2010 despite weak Q4
- £500k data loss fine could hit from April
- CNET News: Firefox Mobile inches towards 1.0, sheds Flash support
- Wired: Old School LG TV Puts Modern Styles to Shame
- Engadget: International Zune with phone functionality hinted in Microsoft job listings, magic boxes
- The Gadget Show: Pioneer outs SD card-reading car stereo
- New Scientist: How crowdsourcing is helping in Haiti
- Gates Notes: What About Wind?
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